Cities across the Upstate are working to plan for the future, and Mauldin should be no different.
Instead of being content with existing as a pass-through community while motorists travel to nearby municipalities for their dining, shopping, or entertainment options, Mauldin has the opportunity to make itself a destination instead of a pathway.
Taft Matney knows that without a defined downtown area, we can start with a blank slate to create the Mauldin we want.
There are a number of options available to develop a mixed-use area that would meet those needs.
Mauldin has to find ways and promote reasons for people to turn left out of CU-ICAR so they will come to Mauldin and spend their money here in OUR community.
He knows that existing businesses can and should be integrated in to this future plan and that working together we can make Mauldin’s future the brightest part of the Golden Strip.
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